When you look at
plank exercise, you will think "Hey
that looks easy.. Is that even an exercise?" Well think again my friend. Looks can be
deceiving. Plank is anything but easy. The main purpose of plank exercise is to
strengthen our core muscles. Well now, what is this so called core muscle?
The core muscles are
a series of muscles in the midsection and are used in most forms of movement.
Though they aren’t housed in our arms or legs, the core muscles can help
transfer force from one limb to another or being used in addition to muscles in
our arms or legs to increase their effectiveness.
They are also great
for helping other muscles in our midsection such as our abdominal muscles. The
abdominal muscles are important for supporting our back and spinal column and it
aids in preventing injuries. However, for them to be most functional and effective,
we need to spend a lot of time developing our core muscles.
Plank exercise is one
of the answer to strengthen the core muscles and it also have additional good
point for us to stay healthy and happy. Lets find out more.
A Toned Belly -
Planking will help build our deep inner core muscles that
lay the groundwork for that six-pack look. As our abdominal muscles become
stronger, our mid-section will tighten.
Reduce Back Pain -
Planks work for back pain because they strengthen our
core, which has the pleasant “side effect” of reducing back pain. They also
strengthen our back muscles, especially those in our upper back. According to
the American Council on Exercise (ACE).
Flexibility -
While building strength, planks also increase flexibility
in our posterior muscle groups. The muscles around our shoulders, collarbone,
and shoulder blades will expand and stretch (an area that often receives little
attention), as will our hamstrings and even the arches of our feet and our
Improve Our Mood -
Virtually every exercise has the potential to give us
a mood boost, and planks are no exception. Planks are unique, however, in
that they help stretch and ultimately relax muscles groups that often become
stiff and tense from prolonged sitting. The tension release that planks provide
is uplifting for our spirit.
Improve Our Balance
and Posture - To do a plank correctly, we
must engage our abs to stay upright. Side planks or planks with extensions are
particularly beneficial for building balance, as are planks performed on a
stability ball. In addition, planks work all the muscles we need to maintain proper
posture, like our back, chest, shoulders, abs, and neck. If we do planks
regularly, we’ll find that we’re able to sit or stand up straighter with ease.
May Enjoy Increased Metabolism and Fat Burn - While doing a quick plank or two, won’t burn as much fat as
cardiovascular exercises. It is a more efficient way of
burning fat. When we engage in strength training, our metabolic rate increases
even after we’ve stopped exercising. Something that doesn’t happen with
cardiovascular activity.
Get into a press up position. Bend
your elbows and rest your weight on your forearms.
Your body should form a straight line
from shoulders to ankles. Make sure your hips, head and shoulders don’t drop.
Engage your core by pulling your belly into your spine.
Hold this position for 15 to 60
seconds depending on what you are able for. Remember, it’s better to maintain
proper form for a shorter period of time than to hold improper form for a long
time. Eventually, you can work up to holding for longer periods.
Rest for approximately one minute and repeat three to five more times.
You can read more in details from the links below ↓
Who would have thought
that doing one simple exercise can leave a big impact to our body. Planking is
hard at first but we can start to feel the difference when our core muscles are
strengthen. We'll be able to do it longer. Why not try this 30 day challenge as
a start and if it's too easy, try the other one.
Blogger's Note: If
you're a new reader please read the previous posts to get some other tips. I
welcome you to share any of your tips and thoughts on this topic 😊.