Sunday, 19 November 2017

Full Body Shaper (Bodysuit)


Do you know why the ladies from the medieval times always wore a corset on daily basis? They do look good don't they? A corset is a part of body shaper or bodysuit. I used to think that a body shaper is not important and it does look torturing because you always see in movies that the maiden would pull the corset strings until the lady looked like she was suffocating and dying. Argh!! What a nightmare. But I have to admit I was very wrong about that.

Full body shaper is very important in order to achieve your dream figure. Body shaper are available for men and women. So men don't feel left out.. keep reading sweety.. Let me share with you my experience with body shaper. I changed my perception towards the value of wearing a body shaper when I went for a beauty course and there I learned in depth about the benefits of body shaper (its one of the main topics). During the fitting I was so surprised that I could look good. All the flab on my body was pushed to the right places and enhance all the important parts of the girls body (you know what I mean 😉).

Benefits of wearing a full body shaper:
1) Instant Slimmer Figure
2) Easy to achieve a Better Appearance
3) Inexpensive
4) Invisible Beneath Clothes
5) Compliments a Weight Loss Diet and Fitness Program
6) Help to Correct Body Posture

You can read more in details from the link below ↓

What I still do and some extra information:
► Wear the full body shaper for at least 8 hours everyday
- Start wearing after my morning workout until before my evening workout (around 5-6pm).
- The body shaper is like a mold that will shape the body and make us look good.
- It will push all the body fats to the right places and that leads to fat burning easier. Some people would call it the fat burning suit.
- This full body shaper will support your backbone and correct your body posture. When we slouch, it will make us look fat and timid. So correcting your posture will make you look slimmer and more confident.
- The full body shaper that I wear is Elken's product DX Verve. It doesn't matter what brand you wear but as long as it fulfils the purpose of body shaper.
- Nowadays technology are advanced so don't worry about string kind of corsets. There are hooks and zip kind of body shaper to make it easy to wear.
- When you buy the full body shaper please try it out first and learn the correct way to wear it from the store consultant. So you don't have any regrets. 
- It is very effective for long term effect but works slowly, depends on your body. You will see results if you discipline yourself and wear it everyday. Its ok if you don't want to wear it during menstruation (for ladies) or when you already achieve your dream silhouette. But for beginners PLEASE DO SO..  

Hope this helps. Full body shaper change my life for the better and I hope it will help you too. If you want to know more on the full body shaper I'm wearing click on the DX Verve and watch their videos. Keep trying and do your best. Love yourself first before you expect others to love you. 

# Why isn't anything working for me? I wanna wear a bikini and look HOT but look at all this flabby. Please someone, tell me what to do 😭. No worries ladies.. Learn the (Bikini Body Workout) and get you dream figure 😉. 

Blogger's Note: If you're a new reader please read the previous posts to get some other tips. I welcome you to share any of your tips and thoughts on this topic 😊. 

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